Posts Tagged ‘facebook’

{ Announcement Mania }

Images from a recent wedding and an awesome bridal session are in the works but until then, a few announcements…

– In addition to my new website, I started a facebook group! Join if you’d like and feel free to add me as a friend too!!

– I haven’t mentioned it on here yet, but Scott has been working hard on his own business! Visit Miyako Designs to check it out! He started his business to fuse his two loves, music and craftsmanship (I KNOW he tried to incorporate me in there as I’m obviously the most important love, but I can see how it just didn’t jive). He specializes in beautiful wooden amps, although he makes the more commonly seen covered ones as well. If you know of anyone who is looking for a killer custom guitar amp/cabinet just let me know!

– The Furious Photographers have launched a new project entitled Tofurious as a resource for other photographers. Their first project is an awesome awesome blog template… for free! Definitely something I’m going to be looking into (oops, did I just say too much?) I believe this week they’ve launched some album template designs as well!

Okay enough with the exclamation marks (!!) and back to our regularly scheduled blogging.