Archive for the ‘Workshops’ Category

{ Furious Photographers Workshop }

I remember when I attended the first Furious Photographers workshop. Boy was I excited. But I was also nervous. I was fidgety. I had more than a couple butterflies milling around inside of me. After all, I was as newbie as newbie gets.

Fast forward a bit to the 2nd Furious Photographers workshop and just a few things have changed. I came this time with a better knowledge of my camera. A couple more lenses. A few more memory cards. A cool bag to hold it all in. And though I still had a bit of that nervous-excited feeling in my tummy I also felt this awesome reassuring calm that hey, these are a bunch of cool dudes. Dudes who don’t mind that I am a newbie – who in fact embrace my newbieness (and everyone else’s newbieness) and kindly show us the ropes. Fun, helpful dudes who led an awesome first workshop and a top-of-the-notch 2nd one as well!!

For this one we met at their killer home studio and learned some of the business side of wedding photography before heading off on an awesome shoot in downtown LA. Gavin of Gavin Photography led us to an explosion of rainbow colors… I can’t believe I never knew this place existed! After shooting there we went back to the studio and covered some post-processing techniques. Fun and informative, doesn’t get much better than that!

A big thank you to Andrew and Megan – the gorgeous models who could not take a bad picture if they tried their darndest, to Peter for referring them, and All Made Up for their dazzling make-up and hair artistry. And of course to the FP team for an amazing day!

Aren’t they both gorgeous?

And now for a few behind-the-scenes photos…

Doug in the studio:

Lawrence demonstrates:

The Furious Photographers setting up the shots… they make great models too!

Kevin keeps one eye out for traffic:

With Tawny!

At the end of the day the Furious Photographers took a quick group photo! See the final result on their blog:

{ Giving Back }

When I first came across the Missional Photography Intensive I could barely believe my eyes. The opportunity to learn from Dane Sanders, Jessica Claire, & Mike Colon all in one sitting? For $40? That alone was unbelievable. And then as I slowly read what the workshop was about I felt even more compelled to sign up.

I feel like “serving” has been a part of my days that has been missing recently, but was so integral in every other stage of my life. Girl Scouts in grade school, KIWINS’s in high school, APHIO in college – it was something I always sought out to do. But ever since I’ve hopped into the “working world” this has changed, and I don’t like it. I don’t like that I’m so “busy” that I feel I don’t have time to give back. I’ve been trying to think of what I can do to change this, and in the midst of these thoughts, I came across this opportunity.

It’s amazing how much was covered in the 4 weeks. There were people from all different backgrounds in the class – some professional photographers, some just picking up a camera for the first time – and the intensive did an amazing job of catering to everyone. All three of the intensive leaders are brilliant speakers and teachers – the kinds of people who are engaging and interesting and excellent at helping you understand, making you laugh, involving you in dialogue, and it was so great that they were essentially donating their time to share their knowledge with us. It made me look forward to class every week, even though it meant braving the 405 from West LA to Costa Mesa (I think I cringed a little just typing that).

I love the issues the course addressed – essentially how to tell and honor the stories of others through your photographs. I really have realized how easy it is to be caught up in the “photographer” side of things and almost forget that you are taking pictures of real people and their real lives. That it is not about your perfect image, and that it is about the stories we all have to share.

Dane during the weekly photo critiques (the photo he’s holding was one of my favorites!)

Mike explains histograms

A shot with Jessica Claire. She actually photographed my taiko group (those photos you see along the top of each page are hers) though I was not at that shoot. (I know, it’s terrible.)

Thank you to Doug for this one!

Unfortunately I didn’t get to grab a pic with Mike Colon but suppose I can make do with the one from February :)

{ Master Your Craft Seminar }

On Wednesday I had the privilege of attending the “Master Your Craft” seminar with Mike Colón and Bob Davis. Ever since the moment I first read about the seminar (and proceeded to sign up as quickly as I could) I had been so excited, imagining what it would be like to learn from the very best of the best. And I must say, it was everything I imagined and more! Lighting, post-processing, marketing – so many aspects were covered and by the end of the day my hand seriously hurt from scribbling so furiously in my notebook. haha.

But what resonated with me the most from the seminar was the amazing generous attitude that both Mike and Bob exuded. There was such a strong emphasis on sharing, giving, networking – it was so inspirational to see such successful photographers be so passionate about sharing their knowledge with others. I felt this vibe in the other photographers I met that day as well – everyone was so awesome and so excited about what they do.

Thank you Bob Davis & Mike Colón, and thank you to all the other cool people I met that day – I left the seminar feeling truly inspired!

Mike in action…

Bob + Starbucks

Ran into Serena Grace and got to meet her in person! She is so sweet :)

With my workshop buddy Kevin Tsang

Yuri!! I’m so glad you came :)

Yuri & I with Louis Trinh of Tikko Studios

Serena and Jonilyn – another sweetheart!

Lots of mingling…

And lastly…

The heroes of the day: Mike…

and Bob!

Okay just one more…

Post-seminar grub! Headed down to the lobby for dinner with some new friends from the day. Learning sure does make you hungry :)