{ Master Your Craft Seminar }

On Wednesday I had the privilege of attending the “Master Your Craft” seminar with Mike Colón and Bob Davis. Ever since the moment I first read about the seminar (and proceeded to sign up as quickly as I could) I had been so excited, imagining what it would be like to learn from the very best of the best. And I must say, it was everything I imagined and more! Lighting, post-processing, marketing – so many aspects were covered and by the end of the day my hand seriously hurt from scribbling so furiously in my notebook. haha.

But what resonated with me the most from the seminar was the amazing generous attitude that both Mike and Bob exuded. There was such a strong emphasis on sharing, giving, networking – it was so inspirational to see such successful photographers be so passionate about sharing their knowledge with others. I felt this vibe in the other photographers I met that day as well – everyone was so awesome and so excited about what they do.

Thank you Bob Davis & Mike Colón, and thank you to all the other cool people I met that day – I left the seminar feeling truly inspired!

Mike in action…

Bob + Starbucks

Ran into Serena Grace and got to meet her in person! She is so sweet :)

With my workshop buddy Kevin Tsang

Yuri!! I’m so glad you came :)

Yuri & I with Louis Trinh of Tikko Studios

Serena and Jonilyn – another sweetheart!

Lots of mingling…

And lastly…

The heroes of the day: Mike…

and Bob!

Okay just one more…

Post-seminar grub! Headed down to the lobby for dinner with some new friends from the day. Learning sure does make you hungry :)

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7 Responses to “{ Master Your Craft Seminar }”

  1. saphoto Says:

    awesome awesome! im trying to get to bob and dawns workshop at wppi but prob cant get work off. what a great opportunity. serena is a cool person too! =) wow wish i could be there! hahah

  2. naner502 Says:

    Love the photos and the walkthrough of the night. I’m glad you told me about the workshop. Thanks again.

  3. jasminemariephotography Says:

    Looks like you had a great time. Can’t wait to see more of your work!

  4. adriennephoto Says:

    @saphoto – 

    ooh are you referring to the “vegas love story” workshop? it sounds amazing! i unfortunately will not be able to make it either though :(

  5. ChiKaPEA02 Says:

    haha, yeah i had already started it, so your comment had good timing! but it reminded me that i could put up a link on my xanga so that hopefully people will read the new one, too.

    i look forward to reading more and seeing more of your photography, too!

  6. GERKshinobi Says:

    louis is a good friend of mine. i wanted to go to that workshop, but was busy that day =\

  7. adriennephoto Says:

    @GERKshinobi – 

    Ooh really? Have you heard about the David Jay Free to Succeed workshop? Info here: http://getit.davidjay.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=8

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