Archive for January, 2009

{ The New Year }

The first month of this year represents a lot of things. A bright fresh start. A chance to reflect. The entrance into the 26th year of my life (really? how did this happen? I swear it was just yesterday when I was hanging out at the mall thinking it was the cool place to be, or stressing over college apps, or hoarding grilled cheese sandwiches at the dorm dining hall).

And now, it represents one year from when I decided to take my first steps into the wide world of wedding photography. Where I was staring out at a far off dream, such a teeny tiny speck on the horizon, with nothing but a camera and without the faintest idea of how to move forward. And although I still have miles to go, I feel miles and miles from where I was, and so so incredibly blessed by what the past 12 months have brought. I stand here a year later and feel full – full of opportunities, full of people who helped me along away, full of knowledge, full of hope (and a little bit full of Sprinkles birthday cupcakes, YUM).

I could not be more thankful for this past year. And I could not be more excited for 2009 and all the clients, photographers, blog-friends (that’s you!), and other amazing people I have yet to meet. Let’s make it the most spectacular year ever!

My warmest love and thanks,


P.S. Please click below to view my Year-In-Review slideshow of some of my favorite moments from 2008, full of all the wonderful people I’ve been so fortunate to meet this past year! I included a handful of never-before-seen shots and a few from December sessions that have yet to be blogged. Enjoy and thank you again for a fabulous year!

wedding slideshow