{ The Best Sac Ever. }

It finally came. I had it delivered to work, but I refrained from completely tearing the package open since I wanted to take photos of every step of the opening process (since that’s what people who like taking pictures who get shiny new things do). I wore it around the apartment a bit but the real test was when I brought it to the wedding earlier this month and let me tell you, it was MARVELOUS. So much more comfortable than my box of a camera bag which would have probably knocked over the cake/bumped into the heads of guests had I worn it at the reception. And oh so stylish!

There are a few other things I’ve been meaning to blog about, but in the meantime here’s a little questionnaire Serena Grace tagged me on that I finally (finally finally!) am getting around to answering. Be sure to drop by her site as she is an AMAZING photographer and all around cool person — and while you’re there offer a big congrats on her recent marriage!! ;)

What was I doing 10 years ago?
– I was in my first year of high school. At any given time I was playing tennis or hanging out at the mall or writing notes and folding them into little hearts/other nifty shapes. (Tell me you did this too.)

Things On My To Do list
– Edit photos (permanently on the list, but that’s fine because I LOVE it!)
– Organize the billion receipts I have stashed in my desk drawer
– Buy bridal shower gift (should I go for naughty or nice?)

Bad Habits
– Being really bad about finishing books. I feel like whenever I’m talking about a book with someone I always find myself saying “oh yeah, I started that but…”
– Being really terrible about waking up in the morning. Once I’m out of bed it’s all fine and dandy, but it’s getting me out of there that is the challenge. It’s really the bed’s fault for being so comfy in the morning.
– Being really delayed in completing online questionnaires.

Places I have Lived
– Torrance
– West LA
– Gunma, Japan

Things Most People Don’t Know About Me
– I am a quotes fanatic. I have a quotes database on my comp that I’ve been compiling since high school. Given that my taste in quotes has changed quite a bit and I no longer find “If you love someone, do not put their name in a heart because hearts can be broken, instead put their name in a circle, because circles go on forever” as profound as I used to.
– I consume about 42 liters of water daily. I can’t go water-deprived longer than 30 minutes without feeling like I’m fighting a losing battle in the Sahara.
– I love SAUCES. I drench everything in ketchup/pasta sauce/ranch, though not at the same time, because that, my friends, is just disgusting.

I tag…
Kevin Tsang
Lawrence and/or Doug

Wayne Toshikazu
Hana Chung

… and anyone else who wants to join in on the fun!

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14 Responses to “{ The Best Sac Ever. }”

  1. Skunkabilly Says:

    42 liters of water. Sounds like you have a drinking problem ;)

    HEY you’re local!!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    So, I saw you pop up for a sec in gmail and saw the link to your Xanga…”the best sac ever”..haha awesome =) Normally, I don’t think I would comment, but I had the urge to tell you that I LOVE QUOTES TOO and I TOO HAVE A QUOTE DATABASE!!(except that mine are all scattered over multiple files and saved all over the place..hehe). I even actually bought a quote dictionary-ish thing during HS, but quickly found that it’s not as meaningful when you get to look through hundreds and thousands of them at once… I think good quotes just have to kind of hit you, ya know? You know…..haha

  3. dimsom Says:

    42 liters!!! a day??? I think I would have to agree with jeff, you have a drinkin’ problem! but that’s not bad…most people are dehydrated everyday =P you know that’s 11.09 gallons…right??? WoW

  4. adriennephoto Says:

    @Skunkabilly – 

    i do!! i can’t stop!! haha. you’re in LA as well?

    @Jen – 

    yay for quotes! thanks for dropping by my site jen! i totally agree about good quotes having to hit you – it’s not the same when you’re really searching for them and reading gajillions in a row.

    @dimsom – 

    i might have exaggerated just slightly. haha. i actually have no idea how much water i consume. what i can tell you though, is that i’m drinking some at this very moment ;)

  5. dimsom Says:

    hehehehe…i drink a lot of water too! it’s great for ya ;) and I forgot to say…you’re local to where I work and live, we should hang out sometime.

  6. Skunkabilly Says:

    @adriennephoto – 

    Don’t get hyponatrenia! Eat something salty!

    I’m in West LA as well.

  7. Vietprince1 Says:

    Thanks for the compliment! You have some wonderful work in here. I really like your style.   Thank you for accepting the friend request, I’m eager to see your updates! :)

    -Lanh (LTV)

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Hey – I’ve been tagged! I feel honored.

    I keep thinking that I need to get something more portable like a Shootsac to keep my lenses close. On the other hand, whenever I think about that I’m always reminded about Mike Colon’s comment about not liking to get his shirt wrinkled and sweaty when he throws a strap over his shoulder.

  9. ChiKaPEA02 Says:

    i want a shootsac!! i check the website periodically to see if she’s offering discounts yet… i keep missing them/don’t have money at the right time….but it’s definitely on the list.

    i’ll work on the homework you’ve assigned me…haha

  10. Skunkabilly Says:

    @adriennephoto – 

    So I finally looked at the link, and yeah those look pretty cool! My friend got one of those too. What pattern did you end up getting?

    Too bad they probably won’t work for outdoor work but if i were chick I’d totally get one!! (that’s how I picked up my mom’s North Face pursie too, she loves it LOL)

  11. adriennephoto Says:

    @dimsom – 

    we definitely should hang out sometime! maybe go shooting on our lunch breaks or something. haha.

    @Vietprince1 – 

    thank you! i’m looking forward to seeing more of your work as well!

    @Wayne Toshikazu – 

    haha i loved that wrinkly shirt comment. how about the next time we both sign up for a workshop i’ll bring the shootsac and you can give it a whirl.

    @ChiKaPEA02 – 

    it’s so awesome! if you’re ever going to be around higashi when we’re having practice let me know and i can bring it if you want to check it out :)

    @Skunkabilly – 

    i got the “baroque” pattern. it looks like black against white on the site, but it’s actually a cream color. they do have some manly covers as well (doesn’t get much manlier than “cowboy”) but the shootsac actually comes with a plain black cover that’s all nice and unisex.

  12. dimsom Says:

    @adriennephoto – 

    LoL…foSho! I’m in El Segundo for work everyday…lemme know

  13. jilleur Says:

    ooho wow 42 liters gg ^^ i think i couldn’t drink that much. and yea, i luv quotes too!! i collect them in my WordPad xD
    you photographs are really nice! you’re talented! =)

  14. iheartphotos Says:

    hahaha i still have to fill this out!!! =P

    btw the recent pics of the food you posted looks soooooooooo good!!!!

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